Monday, August 12, 2019

The Problem of Induction Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Problem of Induction - Assignment Example The argument is valid because the sun has never failed to rise. However, critics may argue that the usual observations that the sun has always risen cannot be a claim to justify that it would rise the following day. The claim that a particular vegetable is green does not validate the assertion that future vegetables of a similar kind would be green. The claim becomes untrue if there is a significant change in nature that affects the vegetables’ genetic pattern to alter the green color to another. The problem of induction has raised concerns in the field of philosophy with some scholars supporting the claim while opposing it. The article herein will analyze the various aspects of the inductive methods and the different justifications set forth by scholars. The article will further determine the appropriateness of the method and attempt to justify solutions to the problems associated with the inductive methods. Philosopher Hume formulated an inquiry to the problem of induction and claimed that it is insoluble. John Stewart Mill responded and gave a more explicit formulation of another important class of inductive problems. J.S. Mill inquired why some methods just required a single inference to be true while others could not prove as true after numerous inferences (Ladyman 35). For instance, meteorologists have used the inductive methods to forecast the weather in some regions of the world, and it worked. Scientific research has enabled an improvement of technology. The medics have invented new drugs that treat diseases that could otherwise killed many individuals. In this respect, the inductive methods are valid and useful in human reasoning. However, the method lacks rational justification. The successful conclusions justify the methods. Furthermore, it is not always necessary to prove a method or belief to validate its applicability to be accepted as evident in the religious domain. Â  

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